Below are videos that makes use of gVXR. If you made your own video making use of gVXR, please let me know so that I can add it to the list.
Scan planning for X-ray CT systems can be difficult due to the large number of elements affecting scan quality. The use of X-ray simulation can answer feasibility questions, however existing methods are focused on experts who are familiar with XCT and programming knowledge. WebCT is a user-centric application for performing virtual XCT scans with the validated X-ray simulator gVirtualXray. Focused on accessibility, the interface ...
Iwan T. Mitchell, Jean Michel Létang, Llion M. Evans and Franck P. VidalA novel pipeline for the generation of synthetic tomograms of woven composite materials, to be used for training of machine learning based segmentation algorithms is presented. The pipeline is completely based on open source software and heavily utilizes the graphical processing unit for fast data generation. ...
Johan Friemann, Lars P. Mikkelsen, Carolyn Oddy and Martin FagerströmWe investigate methods of assessing how a manufactured part differs from a reference CAD model. We use a part of an in-situ tensile testing machine designed to be used with a scanning electron microscope. CAD drawings are available, and the corresponding 3D surface is exported using the STL file format. After manufacturing, a CT scan was acquired with the DTHE scanner ...
Franck P. Vidal, Iwan T. Mitchell, Jean-Yves Buffière and Jean Michel LétangLab-CT is a rapidly developing area of research. As CT scanners have become more compact and cheaper, they are more accessible to researchers. This however introduces the problem of training users to correctly operate lab-CT scanners. It is often difficult or not practical to allow researchers time to train thoroughly on equipment before they use it, as this takes up precious time allocated to the researchers. With this in mind, XRayViewer aims to be a generic training tool for researchers to use to gain valuable experience with ...
Lewis DixonThe presence of strong imaging artefacts in microtomographic X-ray data makes the CAD modelling process difficult to carry out. As an alternative to traditional image segmentation techniques, we propose to register the CAD models by deploying a realistic X-ray simulation on GPU in an optimisation framework. A user study was also conducted to compare the measurements made manually by a cohort of ...
Franck P. Vidal and Iwan T. Mitchell and Jean M. LétangThe simulator consisted of a 3D virtual environment, a haptic device and 3D printed drill handle and a VR headset. The environment was created using a video game development engine, interfaced with plugins to allow haptic feedback and image intensifier functionality. Two tasks were created within the simulator as part of an antegrade femoral intramedullary (IM) nail procedure: proximal guidewire entry and distal locking.For the validation study, participants performed the above tasks on the simulator. ...
Malek Racy, Alastair Barrow, James Tomlinson and Fernando BelloRadiographs of the hand are useful in diagnosing and staging diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other musculoskeletal diseases. Radiographs are projections of the 3D anatomy, with the useful information such as pose and pathology becoming lost in the process. We propose a 3D hand pose recovery method for radiographs of hands using a novel hybrid image registration method. Our pose recovery pipeline consists of aligning a simulated X-ray ...
Tianci Wen and Radu P. Mihail, and Franck P. VidalTraditional undergraduate radiographer training mixes academic lectures and clinical practice. Our goal is to bridge the current disconnection between theory and practice in a safe environment, avoiding the risk of radiation for both practitioners and patients. To this end, this research proposes a new software to teach diagnostic radiography using real-time interactive X-ray simulation and patient positioning.
Aaron Sujar, Graham Kelly, Marcos Garcia, and Franck P. VidalDistance learning engineering students (as well as those in face-to-face settings) should acquire a basic background in radiation–matter interaction physics (usually in the first semesters). Some students in this group may feel some degree of aversion towards these types of pure science-related subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc). In online learning scenarios, the average student is already an adult (37 years old or above) and ...
Alberto Corbi, Daniel Burgos and Franck P. Vidal, Francisco Albiol and Alberto AlbiolWe propose a simulation framework to simulate the computed tomography acquisitionprocess. It includes five components: anatomic data, respiration modelling, automatic parametrisation, X-ray simulation, and tomography reconstruction. It is used to generate motion artefacts in reconstructed CT volumes. Our framework can be used to evaluate CT reconstruction algorithm with motion artefact correction in a controlled environment.
Franck P. Vidal and Pierre-Frédéric Villard