Below are videos that makes use of gVXR. If you made your own video making use of gVXR, please let me know so that I can add it to the list.
This video was made as part of a MSc dissertation on the integration of X-ray simulation into the popular game engine called Unreal Engine. The user evolves in a 3D virtual environment, just like in a video game. It allows the user to use a fully functional X-ray CT scanner to image the interior of an object. It features gVirtualXray (https://gvirtualxray.sourceforge.io/) for the simulation and core image library (CIL) (https://ccpi.ac.uk/cil/) for the reconstruction.
Franck Vidal, Aug 15, 2024WebCT is an interactive Web UI for X-ray CT with real-time results. You can find it at https://webct.io/ It is built on the top of gVirtualXray (https://gvirtualxray.sourceforge.io/) for the simulation and core image library (CIL) (https://ccpi.ac.uk/cil/) for the reconstruction.
Franck Vidal, Aug 15, 2024This recording shows how to 1. install the Python package of gVirtualXRay (gVXR), the Virtual X-Ray Imaging Library on GPU, 2. check that gVXR works well on your computer, 3. check the software and hardware versions that are installed, and 4 get help if you're stuck or find a bug.
Franck Vidal, Feb 15, 2023Web WebCT: Fully Featured Browser-Based Interactive X-Ray Simulations for Scan Planning and Training.
Iwan Mitchell, Dec 15, 2022Pre-recording of a talk I will be giving at IBSim 4i 2021 (https://ibsim.co.uk/index.html) at the Institute of Physics (https://www.iopconferences.org/iop/frontend/reg/tOtherPage.csp?pageID=1026555&eventID=1653&traceRedir=2). We combine X-ray simulation with optimisation to register CAD models on synchrotron microtomography images.
Franck Vidal, Oct 21, 2021Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This tutorial shows you how to simulate a CT acquisition with gVirtualXRal and reconstruct the CT volume using tomopy https://github.com/tomopy/tomopy.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This tutorial shows you how to simulate a CT acquisition using an INP file.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This tutorial shows you how to simulate a X-ray projection using an Abaqus (INP) file.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This tutorial shows you how to simulate a X-ray projection using a stereolithography (STL) file.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvir... a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This video is on how to compile the code and install it (MS Windows 10). It includes the python wrapper.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This video is on how to compile the code and install it (GNU/Linux). It includes the python wrapper.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This video is on the quantitative validation of gVirtualXRay.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This video is on how the X-ray attenuation law was implemented on GPU using OpenGL and GLSL.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This video is on some theory about X-ray attenuation: The Beer-Lambert Law.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This video is on an overview of gVirtualRay.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020Recording of the talk for IBSim-4i 2020 https://ibsim.co.uk/events/ We look at gVirtualXRay https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray/ a library that can be used to simulate X-ray images on GPU. This video is on an introduction to my session.
Franck Vidal, Sep 3, 2020A replay of the talk I gave at IBFEM-4i (https://ibfem.co.uk/2018/) in Sept 2018 on the use of the gVirtualXRay library applied to micro-tomography by synchrotron radiation in material science. The slides are available at http://gvirtualxray.sourceforge.net/pdf/Slides_IBFEM_4i_2018.pdf The talk starts with some backgrounds, followed by the simulation model implemented in OpenGL/GLSL. Then the validation of the library is briefly discussed. Application examples are then discussed. The Python implementation of a case study micro-tomography of a tungsten fibre is then discussed. It includes evolutionary computing using X-ray simulation in the objective functions.
Franck Vidal, Sep 18, 2018Illustration of how computed tomography (CT) works.
Franck Vidal, Sep 11, 2017Illustration of how computed tomography (CT) works.
Aaron Sújar, Sep 11, 2017Aaron Sújar, Apr 12, 2017
Real-time simulation of X-ray images with a virtual patient that can breath. Contributors include P.-F. Villard (Lori/Inria/Univ of Lorraine), A. Meuleman and F. P. Vidal (Bangor University) for the procedural texturing, and X-ray simulation.
Franck Vidal, Feb 3, 2017AudioSlides presenting our work on "Development and validation of real-time simulation of X-ray imaging with respiratory motion" published by the journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compmedimag.2015.12.002).
Franck Vidal, Oct 19, 2016A tomography acquisition is simulated in real-time using a step wedge. The reconstruction is also performed in real-time using the simple back-projection (same as filtered back-projection, but without filtering).
Franck Vidal, Feb 16, 2016The patient is now alive and breathes. The respiration is simulated in realtime and X-ray images are generated. Work about respiration is conducted with Dr Pierre-Frédéric Villard.
Franck Vidal, Feb 16, 2016A tomography acquisition is simulated in real-time using a step wedge. The reconstruction is also performed in real-time using the simple back-projection (same as filtered back-projection, but without filtering).
Franck Vidal, Feb 16, 2016A tomography acquisition is simulated in real-time using a step wedge. The reconstruction is also performed in real-time using the simple back-projection (same as filtered back-projection, but without filtering).
Franck Vidal, Feb 16, 2016