Below is a compilation of the scientific literature enabled by gVXR (or its predecessor).
If your research making use of gVXR was published in a journal or conference proceedings article, please let me know so that I can add it to the list.
Scientific Journals (peer reviewed articles)
Albiol et al., 2019
Albiol, F., Corbi, A., & Albiol, A.
(2019 , ).
Densitometric radiographic imaging with contour sensors.
IEEE Access, 7(), 18902-18914.
Andreozzi et al., 2021
Andreozzi, E., Fratini, A., Esposito, D., Cesarelli, M., & Bifulco, P.
Toward a priori noise characterization for real-time edge-aware denoising in fluoroscopic devices.
BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 20(1), 36.
Bosse et al., 2024
Bosse, S., Lehmhus, D., & Kumar, S.
Automated porosity characterization for aluminum die casting materials using x-ray radiography, synthetic x-ray data augmentation by simulation, and machine learning.
Sensors, 24(9).
Corbi et al., 2019
Corbi, A., Burgos, D., Vidal, F. P., Albiol, F., & Albiol, A.
(2019 , December).
X-ray imaging virtual online laboratory for engineering undergraduates.
European Journal of Physics, 41(1).
Focus on Medical Physics.
Haiderbhai et al., 2020
Haiderbhai, M., Ledesma, S., Lee, S. C., Seibold, M., Fürnstahl, P., Navab, N., & Fallavollita, P.
Pix2xray: converting RGB images into x-rays using generative adversarial networks.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15(6), 973-980.
Huang et al., 2024
Huang, W., Shao, H., Petrò, S., & Moroni, G.
The X-ray computed tomography simulation in geometric metrology: a review and case study.
Procedia CIRP, 129, 145-150.
18th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT2024).
Mitchell et al., 2025
Mitchell, I. T., Létang, J. M., Evans, L. M., & Vidal, F. P.
WebCT - OpenSource Web-based GUI for Realtime X-ray Simulation.
Tomography of Materials and Structures, p. 100057.
Ou & Xiao, 2025
Ou, D., & Xiao, Y.
Pose estimation of multi-view X-ray radiography with variable imaging geometry for industrial assembly inspection.
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 0(0), 1–27.
Phoulady et al., 2023
Phoulady, A., Suleiman, Y., Choi, H., Moore, T., May, N., Shahbazmohamadi, S., & Tavousi, P.
Synthetic data augmentation to enhance manual and automated defect detection in microelectronics.
Microelectronics Reliability, 150, 115220.
Special issue of 34th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, ESREF 2023.
Pointon et al., 2023a
Pointon, J. L., Wen, T., Tugwell-Allsup, J., Létang, J. M., & Vidal, F. P.
gVirtualXray (gVXR): simulating x-ray radiographs and CT volumes of anthropomorphic phantoms.
Software Impacts, 16, 100513.
Pointon et al., 2023b
Pointon, J. L., Wen, T., Tugwell-Allsup, J., Sújar, A., Létang, J. M., & Vidal, F. P.
Simulation of X-ray projections on GPU: benchmarking gVirtualXray with clinically realistic phantoms.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 234, 107500.
Racy et al., 2021
Racy, M., Barrow, A., Tomlinson, J., & Bello, F.
Development and validation of a virtual reality haptic femoral nailing simulator.
Journal of Surgical Education, 78(3), 1013-1023.
Sujar et al., 2021
Sújar, A., Kelly, G., García, M., & Vidal, F. P.
Interactive teaching environment for diagnostic radiography with real-time x-ray simulation and patient positioning.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
Vidal et al., 2022
Vidal, F. P., Mitchell, I. T., & Létang, J. M.
Use of fast realistic simulations on GPU to extract CAD models from microtomographic data in the presence of strong CT artefacts.
Precision Engineering, 74, 110-125.
Vidal & Villard, 2016
Vidal, F. P., & Villard, P.-F.
(2016 , April).
Development and validation of real-time simulation of x-ray imaging with respiratory motion.
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 49, 1-15.
Villard et al., 2009
Villard, P.-F., Vidal, F. P., Hunt, C., Bello, F., John, N. W., Johnson, S., & Gould, D. A.
(2009 , November).
A prototype percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography training simulator with real-time breathing motion.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 4(6), 571-578.
International Conferences (peer reviewed articles)
Bello et al., 2009
Bello, F., Bulpitt, A., Gould, D. A., Holbrey, R., Hunt, C., John, N. W., H. Woolnough, H. (2009 , March).
ImaGiNe-S: imaging guided needle simulation.
Eurographics 2009 - Medical Prize (pp. 5–8).
Munich, Germany: Eurographics Association.
Second prize and winner of \texteuro 300.
Vidal et al., 2010
Vidal, F. P., Garnier, M., Freud, N., Létang, J. M., & John, N. W. (2010 , May).
Accelerated deterministic simulation of x-ray attenuation using graphics hardware.
Eurographics 2010 - Poster (p. Poster 5011).
Norrköping, Sweden: Eurographics Association.
Wen et al., 2021
Wen, T., Mihail, Radu P., & Vidal, F. P. (2021).
3D-2D registration using x-ray simulation and CMA-ES.
International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, evo*2021 (pp. 458–468).
Zuo et al., 2018
Zuo, Z., Qian, W. Y., Liao, X., & Heng, P.-A. (2018).
Position based catheterization and angiography simulation.
2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH) (pp. 1–7).
Invited oral presentations
Mitchell et al., 2023
Mitchell, I., Vidal, F. P., Middleburgh, S., Garbout, A., Buffière, J.-Y., & Létang, J. M. (2023 , October).
Creating functional digital shadows of x-ray systems.
Workshop on Image-Based Simulation for Industry 2023 (IBSim-4i 2023).
Institute of Physics, London, UK.
Invited talk.
Vidal, 2018
Vidal, F. P. (2018 , September).
gVirtualXRay - FastX-ray simulation on GPU.
Workshop on Image-Based Finite Element Method for Industry 2018 (IBFEM-4i 2018).
Swansea, UK.
Invited talk.
Vidal, 2021a
Vidal, F. P. (2021 , October).
Introduction to X-ray simulation on GPU using gVirtualXray.
Workshop on Image-Based Simulation for Industry 2021 (IBSim-4i 2020).
online event.
Invited talk.
Vidal, 2021b
Vidal, F. P. (2021 , October).
Optimisation and simulation of X-ray images: automatic registration of surface models on synchrotron microtomography data.
Workshop on Image-Based Simulation for Industry 2021 (IBSim-4i 2021).
Institute of Physics, London, UK.
Invited talk.
Vidal, 2022
Vidal, F. P. (2022 , October).
Lecture notes in Hands-on training with gVirtualXray (gVXR) for simulating virtual XCT scans.
Vidal, 2023
Vidal, F. P. (2023 , October).
New developments in gvirtualxray since ibsim 2021.
Workshop on Image-Based Simulation for Industry 2023 (IBSim-4i 2023).
Institute of Physics, London, UK.
Invited talk.
Vidal et al., 2024
Vidal, F. P., Afshari, S., Ahmed, S., Atkins, C., Béchet, É., Corbí Bellot, A., ... Tugwell-Allsup, J. (2024). Müller, B., & Wang, G. (Eds.).
X-ray simulations with gVXR as a useful tool for education, data analysis, set-up of CT scans, and scanner development.
Developments in X-Ray Tomography XV (p. 131520W).
Best Paper for Tomography Outreach Tools.
International Conferences (abstracts)
Mitchell et al., 2022
Mitchell, I. T., Evans, L. M., & Vidal, F. P. (2022 , June).
WebCT: fully featured browser-based interactive X-ray simulations for scan planning and training.
6th Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography conference (dXCT MMXXII).
poster presentation, winner of Best Poster Presentation Prize.
Vidal et al., 2022
Vidal, F. P., Mitchell, I. T., Buffière, J.-Y., & Létang, J. M. (2022 , June).
Experimental microCT and high-fidelity simulations: towards quantitative imaging in the case of strong artefacts.
6th Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography conference (dXCT MMXXII).
oral presentation.
Vidal et al., 2024
Vidal, F. P., Mitchell, I. T., Buffière, J.-Y., & Létang, J. M. (2024 , June).
How does a manufactured object compare to its original CAD design?
8th Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography conference (dXCT MMXXIV).
oral presentation.
Vidal et al., 2010
Vidal, F. P., Villard, P. F., Garnier, M., Freud, N., Létang, J. M., John, N. W., & Bello, F.
(2010 , July).
Joint simulation of transmission x-ray imaging on GPU and patient's respiration on CPU.
Medical Physics, 37(6), 3129.
Villard et al., 2009
Villard, P.-F., Vidal, F. P., Hunt, C., Bello, F., John, N. W., Johnson, S., & Gould, D. A. (2009 , June).
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography training simulator with real-time breathing motion.
Proceeding of the 23rd International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (pp. S66–S67).
Berlin, Germany: Springer.
International Conferences (other presentations)
Friemann et al., 2024
Friemann, J., Mikkelsen, L. P., Oddy, C., & Fagerström, M. (2024).
Automated generation of labeled synthetic training data for machine learning based segmentation of 3D-woven composites.
Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Composite Materials: Special sessions (pp. 333–338).
Vidal & Villard, 2015
Vidal, F. P., & Villard, P.-F. (2015). Bühler, K., Linsen, L., & John, N. W. (Eds.).
Simulated Motion Artefact in Computed Tomography.
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (pp. 213–214).
The Eurographics Association.
National Conferences
Sujar et al., 2019
Sujar, A., Kelly, G., García, M., & Vidal, F. P. (2019). Tam, G. K. L., & Roberts, J. C. (Eds.).
Projectional radiography simulator: an interactive teaching tool.
Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) (pp. 125–128).
The Eurographics Association.
Winner of David Duce Prize for Best Short Paper.
Sujar et al., 2017
Sujar, A., Meuleman, A., Villard, P.-F., García, M., & Vidal, F. P. (2017). Wan, T. R., & Vidal, F. P. (Eds.).
gVirtualXRay: Virtual X-Ray Imaging Library on GPU.
Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) (pp. 61–68).
The Eurographics Association.
Vidal et al., 2009
Vidal, F. P., Garnier, M., Freud, N., Létang, J. M., & John, N. W. (2009 , June).
Simulation of X-ray attenuation on the GPU.
Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2009 (pp. 25–32).
Cardiff, UK: Eurographics Association.
Winner of Ken Brodlie Prize for Best Paper.
Wen et al., 2019
Wen, T., Mihail, R. P., Al-Maliki, S., Létang, J.-M., & Vidal, F. P. (2019). Tam, G. K. L., & Roberts, J. C. (Eds.).
Registration of 3D triangular models to 2DX-ray projections using black-box optimisation and X-ray simulation.
Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) (pp. 105–113).
The Eurographics Association.
Corbi, 2017
Corbi, A. (2017).
Environment recognition applied to particle detectors (Doctoral dissertation).
Universitat de València, València, Spain.
Dixon, 2022
Dixon, L. (2022).
XRayViewer - A C++ Unreal Engine 5 Wrapper for gVirtualXRay (Master's thesis).
Bangor University, Bangor, UK.
Lovitt, 2016
Lovitt, J. (2016).
Estimating Length Statistics of Aggregate Fried Potato Product via Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuation (Master's thesis).
Boise State University, Idaho, USA.
Wen, 2023
Wen, T. (2023 , July).
Registration of 3D models to 2D X-ray images using fast X-ray simulation and global optimisation algorithms (Doctoral dissertation).
Bangor University, Bangor, UK.