Research excellence

Below is a list of academic awards that gVXR (or its predecessor) contributed to. If your research making use of gVXR was awarded a prize, please let me know so that I can add it to the list.

Best paper award for tomography outreach tools
Vidal, F. P., Afshari, S., Ahmed, S., Atkins, C., Béchet, É., Corbí Bellot, A., ... Tugwell-Allsup, J. (2024). Müller, B., & Wang, G. (Eds.). "X-ray simulations with gVXR as a useful tool for education, data analysis, set-up of CT scans, and scanner development". Developments in X-Ray Tomography XV, SPIE Optics & Photonics 2024. DOI: 10.1117/12.3025315
Best Presentation Award
Afshari, S., & Chou, C.-Y.: "Enhancing Material Decomposition in spectral CT Imaging via Deep Learning". ISMAB 2024.
CoSeC Impact Award 2023
Mitchell, I.: Digital twins of industrial XCT scanners .
Runner-up award for best student presentation
Mitchell, I., Vidal, F.P., Middleburgh, S., Garbout, A., Buffière, J.-Y., & Létang, J.M.: "Creating Functional Digital Shadows of X-ray systems". Image-Based Simulation for Industry (IBSim-4i) 2023.
Best poster presentation
Mitchell, I., Evans, L.M., & Vidal, F.P.: "WebCT: Fully Featured Browser-Based Interactive X-Ray Simulations for Scan Planning and Training". 6th Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography Conference (dXCT 2022).
Winner of David Duce Prize for best short paper
Sujar, A., Kelly, G., Garcia, M., & Vidal, F.P.: "Projectional Radiography Simulator: an Interactive Teaching Tool". Computer Graphics and Visual Computing 2019 (CGVC 2019). DOI: 10.2312/cgvc.20191267
Winner of Ken Brodlie Prize for best paper
Vidal, F.P., Garnier, M., Freud, N., Létang, J.M., & John, N.W.: "Simulation of X-ray Attenuation on the GPU". Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2009 (TPCG 2009). DOI: 10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/TPCG/TPCG09/025-032
Eurographics 2009 - Medical Prize Second prize
Bello, F., Bulpitt, A., Gould, D.A., Holbrey, R., Hunt, C., John, N.W., Johnson, S., Phillips, R., Sinha, A., Vidal, F.P., Villard, P.-F., & Woolnough, H.: "ImaGiNe-S : Imaging Guided Needle Simulation". DOI: 10.2312/egm.20091024